Courier Insurance
If you carry other people’s materials or goods in return for payment, you need to have courier insurance – basic car or van insurance will not provide the level of cover you need.
Good courier insurance is about protecting your client’s goods, whilst keeping your vans and cars on the road.
Great courier insurance enables you to have all vehicles on a single policy, with one renewal date, designed to save you time and money over individual vehicle insurance.
Courier cover can accommodate a mix of cars and vans to offer greater buying power and flexibility to insurance. Policies can be taken out in an individual’s or company’s name, with no age restrictions.
Looking for a more flexible policy? Speak to us about Pay As You Go courier insurance – it could save you thousands!
Main Features
We offer courier cover for a range of business sizes, from single vehicles to fleets. Courier fleet insurance cover can include cars, vans, haulage, goods in transit and courier. Our comprehensive policies can include cover for:
- Single vehicles
- Your bespoke courier fleet from a mix of vehicles
- Full EU cover (as well as Iceland, Norway and Switzerland)
- Any age or driver profile (accident/convictions considered)
- Quality network of cost-effective repairers
- Courtesy car/van when your vehicle is under repair at an approved garage following an accident
- A range of cover – Comprehensive, TPF&T or Third Party
- Free breakdown cover
- Windscreen repair
- Cover for driver’s personal belongings
- Goods in transit
- Public and employers’ liability insurance
- Uninsured loss recovery
- Legal assistance
- Protected no claims discounts
- Interest-free monthly payments
- 24-hour emergency helpline
The standard package offers other benefits such as free breakdown cover, free courtesy car and full European cover.
Helping you find the right insurer
At Flint Insurance, we understand that selecting precisely the right insurance from the right provider can be a complex and daunting task. Our specialist commercial advisors are on hand to guide you through each step and find an insurance quote and policy that is right for you and your business.
We will assist you to make the buying process as easy as possible, as well as help and advise throughout the life of your insurance. Our brokers will interact on your behalf with a panel of market leading, highly established and secure courier insurance and commercial motor industry leaders. We will find you the best policy for your needs, tailoring the cover to exactly meet the size and needs of your business.
Once cover is in place, we will continue to provide help and advice throughout the life of your insurance. For example, to ensure you get the most from your insurance, we offer specialist advice on Risk Management and insurance telemetry products and policies.