Cyber Cover
Cyber threat is one of the most significant risks facing businesses today. Every type and size of organisation is at risk. High profile cases hit the news headlines, but SMEs are just as likely to fall prey to cyber crime.
Hackers and malware can strike anytime and as cyber attacks grow every business should protect themselves against this threat. Speak to our commercial insurance brokers for details of the most up-to-date policies that the market has to offer. We work with multiple insurers so that we can recommend the optimum cover for you from a range of providers. We strive to get the right cover and at the best price.
Cyber cover will typically cover the following:
- Breach costs – customer notification, call centre set up, forensic IT costs, legal fees and regulatory defence costs.
- Business interruption – loss of income during an attack and increased costs.
- Cyber extortion – protection from ransomware and malicious attempts to seize control or withhold access to operational or personal data. Includes ransom amount and consultancy fees.
- Asset replacement – covers hacker damage expenses such as loss, corruption or alteration of data.
- Media liability – cover for liable, slander, defamation or the infringement of intellectual property rights.
- Forensic support – immediate support from cyber specialists to assess systems/identify the breach and suggest future prevention.
- Court attendance costs.
- Staff disruption costs
As experienced commercial insurance brokers, Flint can provide sound advice on all aspects of your business protection, cyber cover can be a stand alone policy or in addition to your general commercial insurance.
What businesses can benefit from having Cyber Cover?
Simply put, all businesses who use email or have access to the internet. Everyone who is ‘online’ for any aspect of the business operations is at risk of Cyber attacks which are ever present and always growing in numbers and scale. In the modern, digital age a company can be at risk from simple email based cyber attacks to full scale DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks aimed at the temporary of indefinite disruption of services of a host connected to the internet (such as making your website unavailable to your users, customers and general traffic).
Is Cyber Cover part of my existing insurance?
Cyber cover can be a standalone policy or in addition to your general commercial insurance. If you are not sure whether you do or don’t have Cyber cover, the chances are that you do not – and the lack of certainty at least calls for a thorough check of your existing insurance arrangements to find out which we are able to do, free of charge with our ‘Insurance Health Check’ service which gives you the opportunity to have professional, independent specialists take a thorough review of your existing arrangements and advise on where you are under-protected or not protected at all.